Lesson 3B - Block Tags

Just as with inline formatting, block formatting has tags that are no longer the recommended "best" way of doing things but will be found in HTML code:

<address> and </address> italicizes enclosed text and adds a line break. try it
<center> and </center> treats enclosed text as a block and centers it. try it
<blockquote> and </blockquote> indents enclosed text (both left and right) and treats it like a block. try it

Open sample.htm and paste the following:

<address>ABC Company<br>
150 Main Street, Suite 100<br>
Metro City, CO  80001</address> is the company address.  
Take Interstate 25 to the Day Street exit.  Proceed west to the Gate 
and ask directions to this building.

It would appear:

ABC Company
150 Main Street, Suite 100
Metro City, CO 80001
is the company address. Take Interstate 25 to the Day Street exit. Proceed west to the Gate and ask directions to this building.

Now paste:

<center>This is centered text.<br>This is still centered.</center>

It would appear:

This is centered text.
This is still centered.

Finally, paste:

Here is some text to show normal flow, and here is the blockquote, shown 
in bold for emphasis:
<blockquote><b>Right now I'm having amnesia and deja vu at the same time; 
I think I've forgotten this before.  I was once walking through the forest 
alone; a tree fell right in front of me and I didn't hear it.  He asked 
if I knew what time it was; I said "Yes, but not right now".  If you can't 
hear me, it's because I'm in parentheses.  When I die, I'm leaving my body 
to science fiction.  I went to the general store; they wouldn't let me buy 
anything specifically.  If I can melt dry ice, can I swim without getting 

It would appear:

Here is some text to show normal flow, and here is the blockquote, shown in bold for emphasis:
Right now I'm having amnesia and deja vu at the same time; I think I've forgotten this before. I was once walking through the forest alone; a tree fell right in front of me and I didn't hear it. He asked if I knew what time it was; I said "Yes, but not right now". If you can't hear me, it's because I'm in parentheses. When I die, I'm leaving my body to science fiction. I went to the general store; they wouldn't let me buy anything specifically. If I can melt dry ice, can I swim without getting wet?

In this lesson, we learned about these deprecated tags:
<address> and </address>
<center> and </center>
<blockquote> and </blockquote>(also <bq> and </bq>)
By now, your sample.htm file should look like this.

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