Lesson 2A - Make a Web Page

Let's make a web page. Open HTML-Kit or whatever editor you have and open a new page. Most editors, HTML-Kit included, will provide the code shown in green below. Fill in a title and add some text to the body of the page like so:

<title>Give this page a title</title>
  Add some text to the body by typing it here.

Save the file in a place you can find it (like in a Development folder or on your Desktop), naming it something you will remember, and adding a ".htm" extension on the end. Find the file and open it.

Many of you are looking at the very first web page you designed. You are now a Webmaster.

For more information on the topics of this Lesson, see this site.

Lesson 1 HTML Editors   < <  PREVIOUS   Table of Contents NEXT  > >   Lesson 2B HTML Tags

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